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Workshops: Image

For groups of women (and others) who want to grow and activate their audacity together!

As a Vision Coach, I help changemaking bosses uncover their vision so they can step into their next season with clarity, alignment, & audacity.

If you are coordinating a retreat or conference, designing a program, or organizing another kind of meaningful, transformative experience for women in leadership - you’re in the right place!

My audacious visioning sessions create a memorable experience that can help set the tone for your agenda and leave participants motivated, inspired, and equipped to live and lead audaciously.

💡 These sessions draw from decade of experience in guiding changemakers through personal and collective transformation, and follows the tried and tested framework I use to help groups and communities turn their pivotal moments into defining ones.

Host a stand alone event for your group, or build a session into your conference, retreat, speaker series, and more!

My special skill? Helping leaders use transitions as a launchpad to transformation 🚀

My process has been a game-changer for many incredible women leading change, helping them:

🙋🏽‍♀️ Get the affirmation they need to make big moves, 

🧲 Confidently navigate career transitions, and

🧘🏾Find alignment between their passion, purpose, & peace.

Sessions are typically 90-120 minutes long and can be tailored to fit your group's needs.

Questions? Ready to book? Click below to set up a free discovery call.

Workshops: Text


Burnout. We've all been there.

In this grind culture, burnout is an all too familiar experience - especially for activists, organizers, nonprofit workers, public leaders, and other changemakers leading critical work. 

You can do what you are passionate about and love, and also thrive. You don't have to choose, you just have to operate differently. 

In this session, we'll talk about how to pull yourself out of burnout and prevent future cycles by

  • Addressing the two main limiting mindsets that are holding you hostage

  • Implementing liberating practices that you can start right away

Workshops: Text


Were you excited about your vision at the beginning of the year? Are you not quite where you wanted to be by this point?

You need a refresh.

In this interactive session, we'll talk about the 3 things that get us off track, and how to regain your focus to make this your most audacious year yet!

Workshops: Text


This Visioning Session goes beyond a vision board party.

It will give participants tools to start taking bold and intentional steps toward manifesting the life they desire.

Participants will explore tools and mindsets that can take them from feeling:

  • Foggy + Indecisive 

  • Stuck + Drained

  • Unfocused

  • Anxious

To feeling…

  • Clear and Confident

  • Refreshed + Energized

  • Focused + Aligned 

  • At Peace

This space is designed to help purpose-focused bosses uncover, affirm and activate their *audacious* vision by:

  • Broadening their idea of what’s possible

  • Challenging them to unapologetically claim what they desire from life

  • Uncovering and refining their personal mission - the change they are meant to lead

  • Identifying and addressing obstacles + mindsets that are holding them hostage

  • Identifying liberating practices to help them start living a more full and harmonious life today

  • Creating an action plan to start manifesting their vision right now

Manifest It is built on a decade of experience in personal transformation and follows the tried and tested framework I use to help groups and communities turn their pivotal moments into defining ones.

Let's talk about how to tailor this workshop for your group!

Workshops: Text
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